PC Sharma EYE Hospital



Welcome to Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strablsmus(SQUINT)


Squint Correction
Ptosis Correction
Paediatric Cataract Surgery
Amblyopia Management
Every child should undergo a comprehensive eye examination at least before they get enrolled in a school. There are conditions such as amblyopia which can be corrected completely if treated timely in early age. Hence periodic eye check-up is advisable.

Amblyopia/Lazy eyes
Amblyopia or Lazy eye is a condition with underdeveloped vision in one or both the eyes during infancy. Children under the age of 8 are at much higher risk of developing amblyopia, as in this time period vision develops. It can be treated if detected in early age group by various modalities such as glasses, patching, eye exercises or surgery depending on the cause.

Pediatric Cataract
Cataract is a condition where the natural transparent lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque which affects the clarity of vision. It is a widely prevalent myth that cataract only occurs in old age. The reality is that it could even affect a new-born baby and the condition is then called as pediatric cataract.
The surgical treatment involves removal of the cataract and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens. The treatment does not just stop at surgery, but there may be a need for the child to use glasses for near reading and writing. Regular follow-ups are also advisable.


Strabismus or squint or crossed eyes affects about 3 to 4 % of children in India. Many children manifest strabismus at a very early age. The condition can result from a very simple eye problem to a much-complexed one, such as amblyopia or neurological or brain-related problem.

How do we treat the squint?

Treatment of squint varies from person to person, depending on the cause and nature of the condition.
While visiting an ophthalmologist, you may expect a comprehensive eye test followed by measurement of squint using a prism. Some children will require MRI Scan of the brain. The later will only be advised if indicated medically, based upon the clinical presentation of symptoms.
Based on the findings, the most appropriate plan of treatment will be decided by the pediatric ophthalmologist. Squint is usually treated with the use of prescribed glasses, surgery, and the combination of both; glasses as well as surgery and with prism glasses prescribed for double vision.

squint image

Retinopathy of Prematurity

Why should I worry about the eyes of a premature baby?
The inside of the eye, the retina is not fully developed in premature babies. Abnormal blood vessels can develop in such a retina. These abnormal blood vessels can cause internal bleeding and even retinal detachment. This is called Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). This condition results in low vision or blindness – both of which are irreversible.
How to detect ROP?
A trained ophthalmologist can detect ROP by dilating the pupils of the eye using eye drops. An indirect ophthalmoscope is used to scan the entire retina to detect ROP and retinal maturity stage.
Do all babies needs to undergo retinal examination for ROP?
Babies with a birth weight of less than 2000 grams or those born in under 34 weeks of pregnancy are most likely to have ROP. Pre-term babies who have had problems after birth such as chest infections, blood transfusions ,anemia, poor weight gain , on prolonged oxygen support, breathing difficulties etc., are also vulnerable. Follow the “Day-30” strategy. The retinal examination should be completed before “day-30” of the life of a premature baby. It should preferably be done earlier (at 2-3 weeks of birth) in very low weight babies (<1200 grams birth weight).
What is the treatment for ROP?
ROP is treated with Laser. The treatment helps stop further growth of abnormal vessels thus preventing vision loss.
How often should the retina be examined?
ROP can progress in 7-14 days .Depending upon the stage of retinal maturity , next follow up of patient is to be decided.
When should we treat ROP?
ROP needs to be treated as soon as it reaches a critical stage called Threshold ROP.
After treatment
If treated in time, the child is expected to have reasonably good vision. All premature babies need regular eye examinations till they start going to school. Further in future , children might need glasses or treatment for lazy eyes, cross-eyes and rarely for cataract, glaucoma and retinal detachment.

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