PC Sharma EYE Hospital



Welcome to Oculoplasty, Aesthetics and Dacryology​​a


Oculoplasty services

Ophthalmic plastic surgery is a super-specialized branch of ophthalmology that deals with deformities, and cosmetic concerns of the structures around the eye. It is a highly specialized form of plastic surgery that is so close to the eye that you would want to trust an Oculoplastic surgeon, who is an eye microsurgeon as well as a trained plastic surgeon.

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Droopy Eyelid (Ptosis)

Droopy eyelid (ptosis) can occur as a result of birth defect, injury, muscle disorder, nerve disorder, or simply due to aging. It gives a sleepy appearance, and can even obstruct vision if severe. Ptosis may also cause excessive forehead wrinkling, abnormal head posture such as chin elevation, and eye fatigue. In children below 8 years of age, severe droop might obstruct development of vision leading to a lazy (amblyopic) eye thus reducing vision. In adults, droopy eyelid is mainly a cosmetic concern. Surgery can correct this problem by repairing the muscle that lifts the eyelid. Several surgical options are available, and the type of surgery used depends upon the severity of the droop. After evaluation, your specialist will decide which surgery best suits your need. Health insurance will cover the costs of ptosis surgery, if it was acquired later in life. Any congenital deformity (present since birth) is not covered by insurance.Radiofrequency cautery ensures a bloodless and painful surgical procedure


Eyelid Malpositions

Eyelid malpositions are abnormal positions of the eyelid, leading to inturning(entropion) or out-turning(ectropion) of the eyelid. This can be present since birth, or secondary to trauma or aging. Eyelid malpositions are common, and often lead to watering, photosensitivity, and even a cosmetic defect. Eyelid malpositions can be corrected with eyelid plastic surgery, and are covered by insurance.

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Facial Spasms

Facial spasm is a condition in which facial muscles function abnormally and are no longer under the direct control of the brain. It can affect the entire face, or just the area around the eyes. Four distinct forms of facial spasm are known: Benign Essential Blepharospasm, Hemifacial spasm, Meige syndrome, and Myokymia. Though the actual problem within the nerve is not fully understood and cannot be cured, its effect on facial muscles can be controlled temporarily by injections of Botulinum toxin, a 10 minute out patient procedure

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Dacryology: Treatment for the Watering Eye

Dacryology deals exclusively with watering of the eyes and disorders of the tear drainage. Any disorders affecting this system can lead to impaired tear flow with resultant watering, infections (Dacryocystitis) and sometimes even orbital infections.The tear duct is evaluated thoroughly not only from the eye side, but also through the nose..
DCR or dacryocystorhinostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an alternate new pathway for irreversible tear duct obstruction, thereby relieving watering. It can be performed via skin approach, or through the nose using special endoscopes. Tear duct surgeries are covered by Insurance.
Watering in children is a common problem. If diagnosed at an early stage and managed early conservatively,resolution rates are high.However if it is not resolved by age of 1 year, then the pathway has to be cleared surgically by syringing and probing and with the aid of an endoscope,the success rates increase drastically.
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Cosmetic Artificial Eyes

Visual impression is the first and often a lasting impression about a person. The face, especially the eyes, largely conveys this impression. Injury as well as, certain disorders such as Cancers can lead to loss or removal of an eye. While the vision cannot be restored, the appearance can be brought back to near normal, by customized artificial eyes (prosthesis).An artificial eye is a prosthesis or a device that fits within the socket, behind your eyelids. It mimics the natural eye, and is painted exactly like your natural eye. Insertion and removal is easy, and one has to clean it once a month. The eyelids can comfortably close on the artificial eye, giving it a natural look. Occasionally, if the pouch behind the eyelid (that holds the artificial eye) is shrunken, one may require a surgery prior to the fitting of an artificial eye.

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